Bad Taste in Mouth

Bad taste in mouth is typified by the failure to savor the natural and delightful taste of any kind of food one eats. This awful sensation in the mouth is very frustrating as sufferers feel sour or bitter all over the mouth. People with bad taste in the mouth find that the food they eat has a grimy flavor and texture. Individuals with bad taste in mouth should not belittle this dreadful sensation as it may point to a more serious medical condition.

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The treatment for bad taste in mouth helps sufferers by eliminating the awful taste in their mouths, making them feel invigorated and renewed. Since the condition can be due to a number of things, the treatment is targeted towards the root cause of the problem. It is extremely important for anyone with bad taste in the mouth to visit the doctor to determine the root cause of the problem and receive the most appropriate treatment based on their specific situation.

Causes of bad taste in mouth

Bad taste in mouth occurs when a person’s sense of taste is altered causing him or her to experience a metallic taste in the mouth. A person can distinguish different flavors because of the taste buds. The taste buds are made up of microscopic hairs which have the ability to detect different type of tastes such as salty, bitter, sour and sweet. The taste buds can also perceive the fifth taste, which is commonly known as umami. These sensory organs are present in huge numbers which can be found all over the tongue as well as on the lips, inner cheeks, roof of the mouth and at the rear of the throat. When something is wrong with these sensory organs, bad taste in mouth occurs which typically leads to frustration because the affected individual cannot enjoy his or her food.

There are many possible causes for bad taste in mouth, and some of these are:

  • Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes to a woman’s body, including influx of too much estrogen hormones. Overwhelming amounts of estrogen result in bad taste in the mouth that lingers even after tooth brushing.

  • Poor oral hygiene

This can lead to a number of oral problems like halitosis or bad breath which occur as a result of sulfur molecules being broken down by bacteria causing foul-smelling breath and metallic taste in the mouth. Rotten food particles that are trapped between teeth are another culprit of bad taste in the mouth which is also conducive for dental carries and gum disease.

  • Medications

Medications such as zinc preparations, anti-thyroid drugs and neurological drugs can cause bad taste in mouth. Too much antibiotics can result to bad taste in the mouth too.

  • Medical problems

Certain medical problems can also lead to bad taste in the mouth, like head injury, neck cancer as well as mouth or throat injury. Nasal problems can also cause bad taste in the mouth as it affects the sense of smell which helps in distinguishing the true flavor.

Action to take when suffering from bad taste in mouth

Bad taste in mouth should not be taken for granted especially when some sort of poisoning is suspected, such as bonefish poisoning, anchovy poisoning and metal poisoning. Prompt medical attention is needed for people whose bad taste in the mouth is associated certain conditions like insect bites, food allergies, snake bites and jaundice. Also, dental cavities and abscesses require immediate medical attention. Some forms of cancer also give rise to bad taste in mouth as well.

Diagnosis for bad taste in mouth

Physicians will conduct a number of diagnostic tests to figure out the underlying cause of a patient’s bad taste in mouth. This may involve the use of tasting chemicals to evaluate the patient’s sense of smell and taste.  The patient will likewise be asked about the associated symptoms and the duration and extent of the patient’s taste change. Physicians will also check the patient’s medical history.

Treatment for bad taste in mouth

The treatment for bad taste in mouth involves addressing its underlying cause. If the root cause of taste change is poor oral hygiene, then the patient should practice and maintain good oral hygiene. If the problem is caused by certain medications, then the doctor may adjust the dosage or prescribe other substitutes.

Generally, the bad taste in mouth is not really grave, but it may occur due to a variety of reasons. Identifying and treating the underlying cause is vital for one’s health and prevents the condition from aggravating into a more serious health problem. There are a variety of treatment options for bad taste in the mouth, and their effectiveness depend upon the underlying cause. Keeping a log of vitamin supplementations and medications as well as regular visits to the dentist helps physicians diagnose the root cause of bad taste in the mouth.

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