Celiac Disease Symptoms in Adults

The most common celiac disease symptoms in adults would include smelly diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue and abdominal pain. All these are experienced because of the damage in the intestinal lining which is mainly responsible for the absorption of important minerals and nutrients needed by the body. This happens because of the body’s allergic reaction to the gluten family which includes rye, wheat and barley, among others. Celiac disease is a permanent condition, and unfortunately, there is no cure for this kind of disease. The best way to manage celiac disease and to prevent the different celiac disease symptoms in adults is by having a gluten free diet.

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Different Celiac Disease Symptoms in Adults

The symptoms mentioned above are just the most common symptoms experienced by a person with celiac disease. It is important to know the other symptoms so the person with this disease would also be informed of the consequences he would suffer if he doesn’t maintain a gluten-free diet. Celiac disease symptoms in adults are brought about by two major factors, malabsorption and malnutrition. Here are the other celiac disease symptoms in adults:

• Malabsorption – the absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are greatly reduced for the person with celiac disease. Because of this, the person would suffer these symptoms:

• Diarrhea or constipation

• Flatulence with foul smelling gas

• Light color of the stool

• Grease or fat present in the stool

• Some would experience lactose intolerance and would experience bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain and excessive flatulence

• Malnutrition – the absorption of vitamins and minerals are also greatly reduced for individuals with celiac disease:

• Weight loss and dehydration due to diarrhea

• Anemia due to lack of absorption of vitamin b12

• Osteoporosis due to lack of absorption of vitamin D

• Easy bruising due to lack of vitamin K

• Nerve damage

• Infertility and abnormal menstrual cycle for women

• Muscle weakness and fatigue

• Fluctuation of liver tests

Management for Celiac Disease Symptoms in Adults

There is no cure for celiac disease; the treatment is maintaining a gluten free diet. Here are some tips:

• Avoid gluten rich foods such as wheat, barley and rye. Also stay away from bread, crackers, pasta, cakes and cookies, among others.

• Always check the ingredients of processed foods and make sure that they are gluten free. Examples of processed foods that may possibly have gluten are ketchup, salad dressings, canned soup and ice cream. This also applies to ingredients of some medicines because some capsules and tablets use wheat starch as binding agents.

• Avoid drinking beer.

• Keep away from dairy products such as milk and cheese. However, for the individuals who can tolerate lactose, small amounts of dairy products can be taken. Consult the doctor to make sure.

• Ask a list from the dietitians of the different gluten free foods.

• Vitamins should be taken on a daily basis to make up for the malabsorption of the important vitamins from food.

The celiac disease symptoms in adults cause a great inconvenience. But since this is a permanent condition, one must know how to manage a gluten free diet that would greatly help in preventing these symptoms from happening.

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