Chikungunya fever-Symptoms, Treatments, Causes

Chikungunya fever can be described as a viral infection which is caused by mosquitoes.  This physical condition also has some symptoms that can be noticed when a person gets affected with the disorder. Initially, the condition may seem like ‘dengue’ as the symptoms are almost similar. This infection is not a life threatening physical issue; however, joint pain caused due to this condition may last for significantly longer time and may even consume months to treat experienced inflammation. After affliction of this infectious condition, the patient may obtain long term immunity and may not suffer from this disease for numerous years or ever.

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This disease was first discovered in the year 1952 and started from Africa. There were a number of chikungunya outbursts with interval of 7 to 8 years. This disease is also recorded in Asia and Africa in few outbreaks. Now it is reported frequently in the region of India. The reports may not be complete as many chikungunya cases go unnoticed due to the benign nature of the infection.

Causes of chikungunya fever

Chikungunya fever occurs or gets transmitted when a virus infected mosquito bites an individual.  The primary transmission source of chikungunya virus is ‘yellow fever mosquito’ scientifically known as Aedes aegypti. This virus is mostly discovered in tropic region of the earth and perhaps this is the reason why prevalence of the disease in Asian countries is more. Accumulation of stagnant water is one of the chief reasons behind the inhabitation of Aedes mosquitoes.

Symptoms of Chikungunya fever

Chikungunya fever is usually accompanied by noticeable symptoms. Some of the common symptoms initially noticed in case of chikungunya infection are chills or tremors, fever, vomiting, headache, queasiness and pain in joints. This can be a sudden affliction and in some cases rashes or skin abnormalities may be seen. The most severe and irritating symptoms of this condition is pain in joints which may be very severe.

Other infrequent symptoms of chikungunya are mouth ulcer, hindered sense of taste and also conjunctivitis. The chikungunya fever often ebbs away with two to three days; however, other symptoms may persist for a longer time. For example, in worst case scenario, joint pain experienced under this condition may last for years.


The medical industry has not yet introduced any chikungunya specific medication or antiviral medicine. Since, affliction of chikungunya fever is benign and cures on its own in almost all cases one should not be too worried about the consequences. In case of such fever, treatments are mostly opted to calm the symptoms that accompany the infection. The treatment for chikungunya fever may include taking sufficient rest, consuming light food preferably in fluid form etc. One can uses drugs such as paracetamol to gain relief from pain, but it is essential to avoid drugs such as aspirin. Hence, for safety and better treatment, it is advised to consult a doctor.

Prevention of Chikungunya fever:

Chikungunya infection can also be prevented. The only way to prevent this infection is by avoiding mosquito bites. One needs to keep the surrounding clean and take appropriate measure to eradicate mosquitoes from the surrounding, such as mosquito spray, coils etc. Chikungunya cannot transmit from one individual to other individual without intervention of mosquito; hence, mosquitoes control is the best way in prevention of chikungunya fever.

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