Dyslexia in Children-Symptoms, Treatment

Dyslexia in children is one of the most common learning difficulties of children nowadays. The term Dyslexia was derived from two Greek words “dys” and “lexic”, which when combined means difficulty with words. It is a disorder that gets a child confused with reading specific letters like b and d; or sometimes they read it wrong like “rat” becomes “tar”. There are also instances when they miss out a letter when they read; like instead of reading the word “scar”, they read it as “car”. Upon reading, the words, letters and sentences get jumbled up in their brain so they read it wrongly. Often times, children with dyslexia stutter while they read and would need a lot of help in getting the right pronunciation of some words. In some cases, some affected children also have difficulty in reading numbers.

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Characteristics  of Dyslexia in Children

Parents or any close relatives should be very observant with children with regards to their learning capabilities. A child is too young to know that there is something wrong with them and they do not usually tell their parents about their difficulty. Below are the indicators of dyslexia in children:

• The child constantly does not want to go to school. This is very common in most, if not all, kids today, however, a parent can always detect that there is something wrong by looking closely at the child’s eyes. The eye is the mirror to one’s emotions, if the child doesn’t want to go to school because he/she is too lazy to do so, then the eyes can show plain pleading. But if there is something wrong, the eyes would show fear or trouble.

• The child reads very slowly and often jumbles up the words. The parents should always take some time to have reading exercises with their child. Slow reading is normal especially for toddlers aging 4-6, but if the words get jumbled up, the child might need help.

• The child with dyslexia has difficulty copying words or assignments written on the board by the teacher. The parents should always check on their child’s notebooks, not to snoop around, but to see how their child is doing in school. If one notices less or incomplete notes, then the child might have dyslexia.

Treatment for Dyslexia in children

The earlier dyslexia is detected, the better chances for the child to read better in the future. Dyslexia is incurable as there are no therapies and medicines to correct this condition. However, there are special programs to help improve the child’s reading abilities. Enrolling the child in these programs would help him/her read and understand better. The child must also be encouraged at all times since oftentimes, dyslexia brings down confidence and self esteem. Some would feel stupid because they get bullied and teased by their classmates. When taking a step to correct reading problems, the parents should assure and remind their child that he/she can do it. Parents should also be very patient and supportive of their child. Aside from the attending these special programs, the parent and the child should have their own reading time. And with every right word or sentence the child reads, it should be rewarded with encouraging words like “very good.”

Dyslexia in children should not be a hindrance for a normal and fruitful life. Since children are still too young to understand that there is something amiss with their reading and learning capabilities, so it is the job of the parent to support and encourage their child. In the future, with the proper guidance and help, they can adapt to their condition and would know how to read the words properly and thus learn successfully.

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1 Comment

  1. There have been many advancements in dyslexia treatment, and parents can be assured that the success rate is outstanding. Professional diagnosis, along with diligent research to help decide which is the best and most appropriate of the available dyslexia programs are necessary steps to initiate an action plan. The goal is for your child reach their academic potential, and to do it in a way that they always feel secure and confident within the endless support of loving, caring, patient parents.

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