Estrogen replacement therapy types, Side Effects, Benefits

Estrogen Replacement Therapy after Hysterectomy is advised by doctors because they can  benefit in controlling some of the symptoms that usually come with hysterectomy. This therapy can be significant for women who have done oophorectomy hysterectomy  (removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes).  If ovaries are removed before menopause, there can be a quick decline in sex hormones resulting in faster onset of menopause.  Due to estrogen loss, women may also experience menopausal symptoms quite early like vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats etc. These symptoms may turn up one or two days after surgery and can even last more than normal menopause.

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Estrogen Replacement Therapy can help replace estrogen that your body is not able to produce to dry away hot flashes, vaginal dryness and shrinking. Estrogen Replacement Therapy benefits in getting rid of vaginal irritation, difficulty or burning during urination and pain during intercourse.   Discuss the ERT effects with your doctor, letting her know if you have had an heart disease, breast cancer, uterine problems, unusual vaginal bleeding, unusual blood clotting etc.  By taking estrogen,one can prevent osteoporosis, the disease that cause depletion of calcium from the bones.  But then since taking excess estrogen is linked with breast cancer in some women and blood clotting,  you should mae the doctor aware of any diseases like blood pressure, skin allergy, or any other  health condition.

Estrogen Replacement Therapy side effects

Some of the side effects of taking estrogen replacement therapy includes  fluid retention, breast tenderness, irregular bleeding and nausea.

Estrogen Replacement Therapy types

Estrogen Tablets: These are the most common types of orally prescribed estrogen, known as conjugated equine estrogen. Tablets are usually taken every day for the number of days advised by the prescribing doctor.

Estrogen Injections-In some cases, estrogen injections are given. The injected estrogens are gradually absorbed and distributed to the body over extensive periods of time. The injections are more effective as they go directly into the blood stream rather than through the stomach and liver. Injections are usually given by your doctor once every 3-4 weeks.

Transdermal estrogen- This is a Transdermal patch that is placed on the skin. It is a new technique to take estrogen for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis. It is a small, plain, self-adhesive patch that contains estradiol, similar to the hormone made by the ovaries. It is released at a comparatively steady rate through the absorbent membrane at the bottom of the patch. The estradiol moves through little blood vessels near the skin’s surface and enters the circulatory system. After it enters the blood stream, it can be used by the organs.

Some women who have used the Transdermal estrogen patch have experienced irritation in that area of the skin. However,  the irritation may disappear after a few days after the patch is removed.  Transdermal patch used as estrogen replacement therapy should be changed twice a week.  Every time the new patch should be placed in a different area of the skin. Also read about Ortho Evra patch

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