Information on Stomach Cancer, Gastric Cancer

Gastric cancer, also called stomach cancer, can occur in any part of the stomach and spread through the stomach to other organs like esophagus, lungs, lymph nodes and liver. Statistics show that this form of cancer is responsible for 8,00,000 deaths worldwide. Stomach cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the world with a diagnosis of more than 9,20,000 cases in 2002. Gastric cancer is more common to men and is more prevalent in developing countries.

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Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

There are three stage symptoms of stomach cancer:
The Stage 1 early symptoms include indigestion or a burning sensation, loss of hunger mainly for meat, abdominal uneasiness or irritation. Stage 2 symptoms of stomach cancer include weakness and exhaustion, bloating of the stomach and Stage 3 symptoms include upper abdomen pain, nausea and occasional vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, weight loss, vomiting blood or having blood in the stool which will appear as black.

Diagnosis of Stomach Cancer

Gastroscopic exam is the diagnostic method commonly used to detect stomach cancer. This involves inclusion of a fiber optic camera into the stomach to visualize it. Other tests for gastric cancer include the Upper GI series. The Computed tomography or CT scanning of the abdomen may reveal gastric cancer, but is more helpful to decide attack into adjacent tissues, or the spreading to local lymph node.

Treatments for stomach cancer

:This form of cancer can be difficult to cure unless it is detected early. The treatment can be the standard l surgery-chemotherapy-radiation and even multimodality therapy (combinations of the first three). Surgery is the most common as well as the most effective form of treatment for stomach cancer. The surgeon removes part or all of the stomach, as well as the adjacent lymph nodes, with the fundamental objective of getting rid of all cancer causing tissue and potentially affected tissue.

Prevent stomach cancer

You can prevent stomach cancer by:

1.Eating vegetables: A diet high in fruits and veggies contain beta carotene and Vitamin C that can reduce the risk of stomach cancer.
2 Cut salt in your diet: Diets with a high salt intake have been linked to stomach cancer. Avoid an extreme intake of pickles.
3. Look out for bacterial infections: Certain bacterial infections like Helicobacter pylori, increases your stomach cancer risk If you have Helicobacter pylori infection, talk to your doctor about the risk of stomach cancer.

Also read about  cancer treatment breakthroughs in the present and future


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