Kegel Exercises for Women and Men: How to do, Benefits

How to do Kegel Exercises?  What are the benefits for Kegel exercises? These are some of the questions that this article will try to give answers to and expound.

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Kegel exercises help the body in preventing the development of pelvic floor problems such as urinary incontinence. It reinforces the muscles of the pelvic floor that supports the bowel, bladder and uterus (in women). Kegel exercises can be done anytime and anywhere as it is discreet; you may do it at times when you are alone at home relaxing, sitting at the desk or driving. For women, they can do these exercises even when they are pregnant. Below are some guides, both for men and women on how to do kegel exercises and the benefits for kegel exercises they will get.

Benefits for Kegel exercises: Women

Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles is more common in women due to pregnancy, childbirth, being overweight and aging.  This may lead to pelvic organ prolapse.  This condition can be prevented and delayed by doing Kegel exercises.  Kegels could also help women with problems in achieving orgasm.

How to do Kegel Exercises: Women

One needs to be patient and diligent in order to locate the muscles of the pelvic floor, as well as in performing the Kegel exercises. To find the pelvic floor muscles, try to stop the flow of urine during urination.  When you have achieved this, the muscles you used to control the urination are the pelvic floor muscles.  If you find this difficult, you may insert a finger into your vagina and squeeze the muscle surrounding it.  You should feel your vaginal muscles start to constrict and the pelvic floor move upwards.  When you have felt this, relax your muscles so that they will return to their original positions.

When you have already familiarized the muscles of the pelvic floor, you may start doing Kegels.  Before starting, you must drain your bladder and then lie down. Try to contract the pelvic floor muscles and then hold the contraction for at least 5 seconds.  After which, relax the muscles for another 5 seconds. Repeat this contract-hold-relax pattern for about 4 or 5 times in succession. If you’ve mastered this, try to extend it to 10 seconds for holding contraction and then 10 seconds for relaxing.

To get good results, focus only on tightening the muscles of your pelvic floor. Avoid constricting the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Do not hold your breath in the duration of the exercise, specifically during the contraction part.  Breathe freely when doing this exercise.

Do this exercise at least 3 times per day. The main aim for one day is at least 10 sets of repetitions. You can do this exercise by fitting it in a routine you do everyday such as when going to work, checking your email, watching TV or preparing meals.

A word of caution though, do not do Kegels when the bladder is full or during urination as this will have an opposite effect- it weakens the muscles and may lead to urinary tract infection due to incomplete emptying of the bladder.

If you find trouble doing this kind of exercise, do not hesitate to seek medical help. Ask your doctor on what are the things needed to be done in order to complete the task successfully. In some cases, the use of biofeedback is found effective. In this method, the doctor places a monitoring probe inside your vagina or put some adhesive electrodes on the skin around the anus or vagina. This way the doctor will be able to make appropriate assessment and instruct you on what to do.

When kegel exercises are done correctly, you can expect results after eight to twelve weeks, although, in other cases, women tend to notice the changes slowly. There are also some cases in which this exercise only worsens their condition. In order to reduce the risk of pelvic prolapse and resulting urine incontinence, make the kegel exercise a part of your everyday routine.

Benefits for Kegel exercises: Men

For men, the benefits for kegel exercises enhance their pubococcygeus muscles. The muscles are not dissimilar between men and women, as it stretches to the tail bone from the pubic bone where it forms a hammock-like floor the supports the pelvic organs.

Kegel exercises are proven to be effective in treating prostate swelling and pain from BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate gland inflammation, also known as prostatitis. Another benefit men can get from this exercise is reducing the chance of premature ejaculation and other related issues.

How to do Kegel Exercises: Men

For starters, men should try to locate their pubococcygeus muscle.  This can be done during urination. When the flow starts, stop it entirely. If you feel a certain muscle tightening then that is the pubococcygeus muscle. If you cannot identify this muscle by doing this, you can try with your finger by inserting it inside the anus and start gripping your finger with the muscles. In this process, use lubrication. When you are successful in doing this, you have found the correct muscle.

When you have become familiar with the process, this can be done anywhere and anytime. There are no devices or special equipment required to do this exercise although there are some aids for this.

Similar to women’s Kegel exercises, to enhance the strength of the pubococcygeus muscle, follow the squeeze-hold-release pattern. First, you must squeeze this muscle then hold it for a couple of seconds and then release it. In due time, extend the pattern for ten seconds in repetition of the set for about ten times.

You will be able to determine that you have performed the exercise perfectly when you see or feel the testicles elevate.  Perfecting this may take quite a while, but with regular practice, improvement should be noticeable between four to six weeks.

In reducing the chance of developing urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor conditions, Kegel exercise is not only proven to be effective, but is also easy and convenient since you do not have to spend a cent and it can be done anytime and anywhere. If you know how to do Kegel exercises correctly, then you will surely reap the benefits for Kegel exercises.

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1 Comment

  1. More information on incontinence, symptoms, therapies and treatments can be found at The National Association for Continence is the world’s largest and most prolific consumer advocacy organization dedicated to public education and awareness about bladder and bowel control problems, voiding dysfunction including retention, nocturia and bedwetting, and pelvic floor disorders such as prolapse.

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