Shrimp Cholesterol

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The effects of shrimp cholesterol have been discussed over many dinner tables.  There have been countless debates whether it is good or bad for the body, with some saying that it is bad because it is basically cholesterol. While others, especially those who love shrimps, say that the cholesterol that these edible creatures contain is the good kind.

Shrimps are crustaceans that can live both in salt and fresh waters. They can even survive in polluted waters because they have the ability to tolerate dirty areas. There are also bigger animals like whales that make shrimp as their source of food. Shrimp is popular for consumption among humans because they have an appealing taste that makes every person want to eat more. One of the components of shrimp is shrimp cholesterol. Many stop eating shrimp when they find out that it contains cholesterol which is mainly believed to be harmful to the body. Nowadays, shrimp cholesterol has been proven to be the beneficial kind of cholesterol.

Health benefits of shrimp in the body

Shrimp is known for its sumptuous taste, but people should also know that it can give many health benefits.Shrimp contains large amounts of nutrients that can improve the health and prevent diseases. These nutrients include:

  • Cholesterol-Shrimp cholesterol is goodcholesterol because it is made up of polyunsaturated fats which are beneficial for the body.Shrimp cholesterol is high density lipoprotein,thus,it keeps the body away from coronary heart diseases.
  • Protein- Aside from the good shrimp cholesterol, protein is one of the most abundant nutrients found in shrimps. Proteins help cell and tissue growth and repair damaged tissues.
  • Iron –Few people know that shrimp can also supply iron to the body. But iron is also contained in shrimps which helpin the formation of hemoglobin in the blood for oxygen transportation.
  • Magnesium – This is called a macromineral because of its large size. Shrimp also gives us magnesium which helps the muscles move by contraction and relaxation.
  • Zinc- Just like any other electrolytes, zinc is an important electrolyte in our body especially when the patient has diarrhea and slow wound healing. Zinc is also famous in treating acne and pimples.
  • Copper-Copper is an essential trace mineral inside the body as it helps in the production of melanin in the skin as well as the red blood cells.
  • Selenium- Most people rarely hear selenium as a nutrient and it is not as abundant in shrimps as shrimp cholesterol is.But selenium joins with proteins to become selenoprotein antioxidants which protect the cells from the damages that free radicals cause.Also, selenium has a role in regulating the function of the thyroid glands and the immune system.
  • Phosphorus-Phosphorous aids in the formation of a good set of teeth and bones in the body.Furthermore, one of its purposes is to synthesize proteins and adenosine triphosphate which is needed for energy.
  • Omega 3 fatty acid –This is an essential fatty acid which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Tryptophan – It is an essential amino acid needed for protein synthesis.
  • Vitamin b12 or cobalamin- This improves the functions of the nervous system and circulation of the blood all over the body.
  • Vitamin B3 or niacin- It plays a vital role in the digestive system as it helps in the proper digestion of food.

The good shrimp cholesterol in the body

Over the years, people have had arguments on whether shrimp cholesterol is good or bad. Some even skip shrimp as part of their diet because they are afraid of risking coronary heart diseases. Countless researches had been conducted to find out whether shrimp contains good or bad cholesterol. Studies showed that people who have shrimp in their diets have increased low density lipoprotein.  However, the high density lipoprotein exceeded the amount of low density lipoprotein.  This means that shrimp cholesterol is not detrimental to health; instead it boosts the health and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer, hypertension and Alzheimer’s disease.

Health care experts recommend for people to eat foods rich in high density lipoprotein and to limit the cholesterol intake to up to 300 mg per day only. The shrimp cholesterol in 8 to 10 servings of shrimp isonly atleast 150 to 200 mg. Since shrimp cholesterol has been proven to be beneficial, people can try a variety of ways of cooking shrimp. Shrimp may be steamed, grilled, or sautéed; but people should be careful when adding seasonings especially if there are dietary restrictions for specific nutrients such as fats.

Many health experts and dieticians testify that shrimp cholesterol is a form of unsaturated cholesterol which is the good cholesterol. So, there is no harm in eating shrimp since the cholesterol it contains is good for the body.

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