Symptoms of Walking Pneumonia in Adults

The walking pneumonia symptoms in adults are subtle and mild on the first onset of infection as it is a mild form of pneumonia and doesn’t really need hospitalization. Walking pneumonia is a disease caused by the infectious microorganism, mycoplasma pnuemoniae. It is important to know the early signs of walking pneumonia to prevent the condition from getting worse. If this condition is left untreated, the symptoms would worsen in two to three weeks after the infection occurred. The common walking pneumonia symptoms in adults would include headache, fatigue, cough and colds that have been going on for weeks. A lot of people often mistake these symptoms with flu but if the cough becomes heavy and aggressive, it is then best to consult the doctor to rightly determine the condition.

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Different Walking Pneumonia Symptoms in Adults

The symptoms of walking pneumonia are difficult to recognize on the first onset of the infection because of their subtleness. The symptoms usually become evident 15 to 25 days after the infection of mycoplasma pneumonia. Below are the different walking pneumonia symptoms in adults:

• An aggressive dry cough that doesn’t produce any phlegm or mucus and worsens at night

• Flu-like symptoms like headaches, fever, chills and colds

• Congested nose or stuffiness

• Sore throat

• Occasional shortness of breath

• Tiredness and sometimes fatigue

• Weakness of the muscles

• Pain on the chest especially upon coughing

• Wheezing and cackles in chest

• Weakness of the body especially if the other symptoms temporarily go away

• Some individuals would develop ear infections and anemia

If the individual experiences most of these symptoms, it is advised that he sees his doctor right away for assessment and proper treatment. The earlier the treatment is given, the faster the infection would be resolved.

Treatment for Walking Pneumonia in Adults

Walking pneumonia is easily treated with oral antibiotics. The antibiotics are usually taken for 7 days or more depending on the severity of the infection. Over the counter drugs that would help relieve the flu like symptoms could also be taken. However, it is important to discuss these matters with the doctor first. It is also essential to avoid strenuous activities and to take ample rest to avoid worsening of the symptoms. Drinking lots of water could also greatly help hasten the treatment of walking pneumonia in adults. If upon check up, the condition is found to have already gone worse, the doctor might suggest hospitalization and administer the antibiotics intravenously. It is also suggested to isolate oneself from the public as walking pneumonia is contagious. Should the person with walking pneumonia go out, he should always bring along a handkerchief to cover his mouth when sneezing and coughing.

The walking pneumonia symptoms in adults are mild and often mistaken as flu. It is not advisable to self diagnose and the individual must consult a doctor to make sure of the diagnosis. Knowing the symptoms is important because the earlier the illness is detected, the easier and faster the treatment will be.


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