Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon

Tip of Tongue phenomenon implies an inability to recall names or something that you know but won’t come to you at the time, you need it the most. It has been studied that Tip of Tongue or TOTs happen once a week, and increases with age and during periods of stress. This is usually seen when one is trying to recall proper nouns. Sheila from New Jersey, a theater artiste tells us that though she knew this play like the back of her hand, she found herself groping for the name of a character; much to her embarrassment, till someone from the studio prompted it out to her.

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The tip of the tongue functionality is controlled by the anterior cingulated and frontal cortex areas of the brain. People who are suffering from this rely on visual images as clues for recall. To prevent Tip of Tongue phenomenon, it is better to keep your brain agile with puzzles, books, crosswords, memory games etc. Be assured that you will be able to remember that particular thing in due course of time. Look at memory aiding foods


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