Urosepsis Symptoms, Treatment, Causes

Urosepsis has its origins from 2 words, “sepsis” meaning bacterial infection, and “uro” which means urine, thus pointing to where the infection comes from which is the kidneys. Urosepsis is an infection from the urinary tract that spreads and circulates throughout the bloodstream. This begins when bacteria enter and invade the bladder through the urethra. Urethra is an opening of the body to where urine passes through. When not given attention, the bacteria then spreads throughout the blood, causing a person to experience different kinds of symptoms and in the long run, may cause major organ damage, septic shock and even death.

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Symptoms of Urosepsis

• Common Symptoms of Urosepsis

o One of the most common symptoms of Urosepsis is the burning need to frequently urinate. And though the feeling’s so urgent, when an individual finally does urinate, there is only a small amount of urine that’s being expelled. Another symptom is that the individual usually feels pain while urinating. The physical appearance of the urine is cloudy instead of the usual clear yellowish liquid. The smell of one’s urine is foul. Blood or small particles of dirt can be found on the expelled urine. When the infection has travelled to the kidneys, then lower back pain can be felt by the patient.

• Serious symptoms of Urosepsis

o Serious symptoms for Urosepsis usually include the absence of urine even though one feels the need to urinate. This is accompanied by a severe abdominal pelvic or back pain. The patient often feels confused and is constantly sweating. He/she also experiences difficulty in breathing. When an individual develops a rapid heart rate or a weak pulse and fever, medical attention should immediately be sought. Possibly, the bacteria have entered in great amounts in the bloodstream and this could lead to serious septic shock.

Treatment of Urosepsis

For mild Urosepsis, the best remedy is to drink plenty of fluids. This would allow for the bacteria to be expelled with the urine. Taking antibiotics is necessary to completely destroy or kill the bacteria that have spread throughout the bloodstream. It is best to consult a physician in order for you to know which specific antibiotic to take. For serious types of Urosepsis, the treatment involves confinement in the hospital. An individual suffering from this is very susceptible to septic shock, hence, he/she is prone to respiratory distress. The bacteria could have accumulated in sensitive organs like the heart or the brain which could result in death. It is important to seek medical attention immediately so that proper supportive treatments and the right medicines can be given.

Here are some treatments an individual suffering from urosepsis should undergo:

Hemodynamic support – when an individual has severe Urosepsis, blood pressure decreases abnormally. It is important that the healthcare professionals observe these abnormalities and give the proper medications. Such medicines include vassopressors like dobutamine, dopamine and norepinephrines. These drugs induce constriction on the vessels, resulting to higher pressure. With the use of these drugs, the blood pressure of the patient will then normalize.

Respiratory support – Severe Urosepsis can also cause collapse in one’s respiratory system. More often than not, a victim experiences shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing. A ventilator should readily be available to provide oxygen when the patient suffers from this.

Metabolic support – blood sugar level of the patient with Urosepsis should also be monitored closely. A sudden fall in blood sugar level could cause shock to the patient. Insulin should be taken in order for the blood sugar level to normalize and prevent shock from happening. Insulin is a medication that contains hormones that neutralizes the blood sugar level of an individual.

Urosepsis can be prevented by careful hand washing and following a clean hygiene. Urosepsis can start as an inconvenience, like having a hard time urinating and a painful sensation while urinating among others. But if left unnoticed, the condition could get more serious and even fatal. Therefore it is best to take the appropriate action promptly before it gets worse.

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1 Comment

  1. I’ll try to put this to good use immdeiatley.

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