Chiropractic treatment for Migraines and Headaches

Chiropractic treatment can be used for headaches and migraines. Kathy from Denver Chiropractic quotes, “Pain in the head is usually due to neck vertebrae. So we adjust and manipulate the cervical spine, which reduce the neck muscle spasm to quite an extent by reducing the pressure on the spinal nerves and vertebrae.’ She adds, “The process of headache elimination works very effectively and quickly” She says adjustments are done by manipulating certain nerves to reduce the tension and cure headache and migraine.

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Timothy of Houston Chiropractic says, “ We are talk spinal aligment or the lack of it, it is like a neck crick. The nerves that are disturbed are called subluxations and this is the reason or migraines in the head. The chiropractor pushes these nerves or bone back in the plane. Stress on any area of the spine due to lifting heavy objects or sitting in one position, twisted can cause migraine or headache, specifically subluxations in the neck” The chiropractic doctor says that he does slow, gentle stretching exercises that can give the patient a world of relief. However these are precise movements that are done by a trained chiropractic doctor.


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